First names:



Swiss, Collonge-Bellerive, Geneva.

Date of birth:


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First Language:


Foreign Languages:

English, German.

Curriculum Vitae


ETHZ Diploma in Physics.
Diploma Work:"Graph Expansion of the Hubbard Model. Comparison with Quantum Field Theoretical Models."
Supervisors: Prof. T.M. Rice and Prof. F. Rys.

1988-1991: PhD at the ETHZ.

"On Quantum Monte Carlo and Strongly Correlated Electron Systems."
Supervisors: Prof. T.M. Rice and PD D. Würtz.

July 1991 - December 1993:

Postdoctoral fellow. University of Würzburg, group of Prof. W. Hanke.

January 1994 -December 1995:

Postdoctoral fellow. University of Tokyo, group of Prof. M. Imada.

February 1996 - July 1997:

Postdoctoral fellow. University of California, Santa-Barbara, group of Prof. D.J. Scalapino.

August 1997 -February 2000:

Assistant at the University of Stuttgart.

November 1998:

Habilitation in Theoretical Physics

March 2000 - February 2001:

Hochschuldozent at the University of Stuttgart.

March 2001 - February 2004:

Heisenberg fellow.

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