Tuesday 13.05. 2008 - 14h00-15h00, SE7

Anwendung der Diagrammatischen Monte Carlo Methode auf den Josephson Strom durch einen Kondo Quantenpunkt

David Luitz, Univ. Würzburg.

We applied the new diagrammatic determinantal quantum Monte Carlo (DDQMC) method to the Anderson-model extended by a BCS term to describe a quantum dot coupled to superconducting leads.

We were able to gain detailed numerical data showing the phase transition of the quantum dot from the 0-junction-regime to the -junction-regime of the Josephson current if the superconducting gap is increased. Our data confirms the traditional interpretation that the Kondo-effect at small corresponds to the 0-junction-regime, while the formation of a magnetic moment on the quantum dot leads to the -phase-shift of the Josephson current.

Our findings give a solid numerical foundation to the usual interpretation of the -phase-shift of the Josephson current without relying on any approximation. The application of the novel diagrammatic determinantal quantum Monte Carlo algorithm shows its power even in models with a complex phase factor.

The talk is divided in two parts: The first part is rather technical and gives a short introduction to the DDQMC-Algorithm. In the second part, the numerical results are presented along with the data gained from the study of two effective models valid in the limit and , .

PDF-file of the presentation